Mayer Ergonomic Chairs

ergonomic surgical medical chairs for surgeons furniture for beauty salons and hairdressing salons furniture for the waiting room of medical institutions ergonomic medical chairs for doctors laboratory furniture laboratory assistant chairs furniture for the doctor's office, medical chairs dental furniture ergonomic medical chairs for doctors

German manufacturer Mayer Sitzmoebel chairs are manufactured and assembled in the Czech Republic and Germany. A very wide selection of growing chairs for children. The basis of production consists of:

Ergonomic chairs individually equipped for the office. The chair can be adapted to the customer's needs and ergonomics. Pistons, backrest and seating depth mechanisms, armrests and other accessories are selected separately. The range is constantly being expanded and supplemented with new models.

Medical chairs adapted to the ergonomic work of a dentist, laboratory technician, doctor, nurse. Special accessories and chair models for certain medical work functions. Spec tapestries for aggressive environments.

Growing furniture adapted to the physiology of a growing person. Furniture designed for correct posture from 4 to 18 years.

You can choose tapestries according to characteristics and color. We select tapestries for medical institutions as needed. More information is available Mayer Furniture catalogs and price list.


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